Sewer collapses performance commitment data

The data provides the date raised, job category and anonymised postcode for sewer collapse and rising mains burst incidents contributing to our performance commitment. Bursts and collapses contained in the list are those incidents that meet Ofwat reporting requirements i.e., they are sewer repairs which are required to be completed in order to resolve an ongoing customer or environmental incident. As per Ofwat’s definition, the list excludes sewer repairs as a result of proactive works or investigations following an incident, where there is no ongoing customer or environmental incident that needs to be resolved.  You can find Ofwat's detailed guidance here.

How this data is collated: Job cards are raised for either a burst rising main or sewer repair by operational staff.  These are recorded in a corporate system, and relevant incidents are extracted into Excel for annual reporting to Ofwat.  This published data set is an extract of this.  

For the remaining years of AMP7, an additional year of data will be added after the annual reporting period.

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About this dataset

Last updated
32 weeks ago
  • Sewer collapses